User Journey
After sharing my user journey with a peer, they shared that they really liked the idea and would have liked a mobile website such as this when they a freshman. They wondered how we would display the markers for egg heads since there are multiple. This is something that we might have to rethink and consider whether or not to only focus on one or all of them. She also corrected my on the sequence of my user journey map. In my user journey, I had the user read historical facts after taking pictures but my peer asked if they could read the facts before taking photos. Thus, I realized the sequence was incorrect and made the change. They also recommended that we focus on the oldest double deckered bus and even told me which route it usually takes. Taking this information, my partner and I will do more research and update our markers.
I want users to be able to upload photos or selfies of them at various spots that are in the seal and be able to collect them in a private photobook or if they are comfortable, a shared album online. With each photo, they unlock the corresponding part of the seal that they visited. After visiting all parts of the seal, they unlock a full seal. I also want to make a map with clues for the scavenger hunt, as well as, sprinkle facts throughout the game to further educate users.
I am a bit concerned about how the website would know if the photos were taken at the right place. It might just have to be an honors system or I could try to incorporate geo-location but that seems really difficult.